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Video Production for Commercial/Corporate Businesses


Manteision Fideo Awyrol Digidol AMP

Un o'r gwasanaethau niferus y mae AMP Media yn falch o allu ei gynnig yw ffilmio dronau, sy'n gallu cynhyrchu canlyniadau rhyfeddol a syfrdanol.

Mantais Fideo o'r Awyr i'ch Busnes

Mae fideo o'r awyr yn gyfle gwych i'ch busnes a'ch brand sefyll allan o'r dorf gydag argraff gyntaf sy'n tynnu sylw, gan arddangos mantais eich lleoliad, mynediad, yn ogystal â nodweddion cyfagos.

Ar sbectrwm ehangach, gall pob busnes a chwmni defnyddio fideo o'r awyr at ddibenion brandio a marchnata.

What is commercial video production?

Video is an incredibly effective way for companies to convey their corporate messaging to employees, stakeholders and customers. When done well, a commercial video is a powerful marketing tool that can be used for businesses of any size, both B2B or B2C.

Videos inspire people – employees and customers alike – to take action, effortlessly influencing them in a way like no other medium can.


With Video production, you can tell your brand story in one of the most engaging and effective ways possible.

How Video Marketing Can Strengthen Your Brand

Building a brand can be challenging, no matter what size of the company you have.

It’s incredibly hard to convey a message that resonates with your target audience –

  • Who are you?

  • What do you stand for?

  • What are your goals and values?

  • What makes your company different?

But when done right, commercial video marketing has the potential to strengthen your brand exponentially.

It can be difficult to communicate exactly who and what your company is and even more so when it comes to showing your clients what makes you stand out against the competitors.

This is where corporate videos and video marketing can make a huge difference.

Studies have shown that emotional connections create loyalty and can influence consumer purchasing decisions. Videos are an excellent way to create such an emotional connection. The combination of powerful imagery, audio and messaging can help consumers connect with your organisation, product or service and increase the likelihood of conversion.

With that said, most commercials clock in at under 30 seconds, which means they need to make an immediate impact. To achieve this, The Content Box takes the time to find out who you are.

Because even the most creative ideas aren’t always enough – a great commercial must connect with the essence of your brand.

Not sure where to start with your video production?

There’s no one size fits all approach when it comes to corporate video production. The video production process can be overwhelming, but The Content Box is here to support you every step of the way. You will get exceptional service and expertise, whatever the size of your project.

We provide as much or little input as you want or need. From corporate video production through to commercial ads, we make it happen. Just ask.

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